Category: Blog

  • Embracing Observability in Modern Python Applications: Harnessing the Power of OpenTelemetry

    In the current digital age, where nearly all aspects of our lives are deeply connected to online activities, the backbone of these operations lies in sophisticated software applications running on highly scalable and optimized production systems. Gone are the days of monolithic applications; today, most applications are deployed on the cloud and involve multiple distributed […]

  • Reasons and Ways to Improve Code Quality — Venkat Subramaniam

    Reasons and Ways to Improve Code Quality — Venkat Subramaniam Code Given below is the summary of the talk given by Mr Venkat Subramaniam at Devternity 2022. What is a Good Quality Code? Code quality is inversely proportional to the effort it takes to understand it. Why focus on Quality? First Law of Programming Lowering the code […]

  • Cloud Computing — What exactly is it?

    Cloud Computing — What exactly is it? In this era where each of our actions is translated into some form of data, and with the blooming technologies like big data, AI, ML etc being completely data-driven as opposed to the traditional programming styles, larger storage, and computing capabilities have become a greater necessity. But consider a scenario where […]

  • What it takes to be different….

    What it takes to be different…. Summer of 2013 — I was one among the thousands of kids who flocked to an engineering college for a B.Tech degree.Thankfully, I got admission to one of the premier colleges of the state, namely SCT College of Engineering, Trivandrum. Okay, so the college atmosphere was new to me — from the academics,first […]

  • Monitoring data from sensors using ESP 8266 and arduino

    Monitoring data from sensors using ESP 8266 and arduino Internet of Things(IOT) is one of the major buzzwords in the current technological world.Devices which have the ability to act intelligently and can respond to the requests we make are becoming increasingly prominent.This involves a wide array of sensors which monitor various parameters and provide real-time data […]